Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Bargain Alert! Paris Hilton is Selling Her Hair!

And I KNOW you want to hop on that train - especially if you own an electron microscope, a biohazard suit, and a lot of Petrie dishes.

Well, actually, she's selling a line of hair EXTENSIONS, not her own personal hair. But still.

Check out this quote from her site (no, I will not give you the link. I will not be responsible for the spread of this particular plague):

"Everyone should get the chance to be me. That's why I created the world's hottest hair extensions. Choose from ten fabulous shades and you will be a clip away from hotness." (then the link, hilariously, says "See Hotness")

Alas, I fear that I will always be just a clip away from hotness. I shall also forgo my chance to be her. You can cut in front of me.