Saturday, June 21, 2008

I Am Going To Take Ben Kingsley's Oscar Away Until He Learns To Behave

Full disclosure: I have not seen the film The Love Guru. Furthermore, you can't make me.

I am so disillusioned.

Ben Kingsley is in the new Mike Myers movie. His character's name is Guru Tugginmypuddha. It seems that he crosses his eyes in order to bring gravitas to the role.

Let me say that again: Ben Kingsley - SIR Ben Kingsley, Oscar winner and multiple nominee - is playing a character named
Guru Tugginmypuddha.

Guru Tugginmypuddha?

Does Mike Myers know some horrible deep, dark secret about Sir Ben? Does he have access to some sort of Bad Decision Potion that he slipped into Kingley's Earl Grey like a career sabotage mickey?

How did a man with such a stunning array of honors, both personal and professional - a man WITH INDIAN HERITAGE, mind you, come to decide that it would be a Good Idea to play a one-dimensional racist character who exists purely as a vehicle for a junior-high-caliber joke in a film by the same man responsible for the abomination that was The Cat in the Hat? I mean, everyone in Hollywood makes a poor choice, role-wise, every once in a while, but COME ON.

let's cap this all off with this little nugget: apparently, Sir Ben said that working with Mike Myers was similar to what he imagined it might have been like to work with Charlie Chaplin. (No time for syntax, Dr. Jones! I'm ranting here.) That HAS to be a joke, right? Right?

I have to wash the whole idea of this out of my brain. I will watch Gandhi, or Sexy Beast, or The House of Sand and Fog, , or Testimony, or Schindler's List, or hell, even Dave (shut up. I like Kevin Klein, ok?) I will simply not acknowledge that these nuanced, brilliant performances were delivered by the same man who apparently thought that a vaguely racist masturbation joke might be a Neat New Challenge.


Edit: It will serve him right if from now on, when you Google "Ben Kingsley", The Love Guru will be the first 10,000 hits.
I am pleased to report, however, that this is not currently the case.

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